Leaving the last island behind, we headed up the gangway and back to the ship. Sharon and Mark went to the Internet Café on Deck 8 to catch up, and Caitlin and I donned swimsuits and lounged poolside for an hour. Actually, I fell asleep. Soon it was time to get ready for the last night’s dinner on the ship. Caitlin and I ordered the smoked salmon and pasta in tomato cream sauce, and Mark shared some of his mahi mahi with me. Mark also had the sirloin steak with béarnaise sauce, but I can’t remember what Sharon ordered. Whatever it was, it was great. Ivan brought us our last round of shots, along with a page showing the recipes for each one that we’d enjoyed during the week.
After dinner, we headed down to the Photo Lab on Deck 2 to pick up the “Week in Review” DVD of the cruise. Then it was time to pack up. We were required to get our bags packed and outside in the hallway by midnight, and just keep a carry-on (carry-out?) of the items we would need the next day. The last towel critter for the journey was a manta ray.